Our team

Gérard BALLY
Successively parliamentary assistant at the National Assembly, technical advisor in several ministries, and then advisor to the President of the Republic, Benoit has acquired, during ten years, a perfect knowledge of the governmental and administrative decision-making circuits, and a great capacity of analysis of the power stakes.
A graduate of ESSEC and Sciences Po Bordeaux, Benoit joined Action Europe in 2012 and opened the Paris office. His background in public institutions allows him to develop first-class influence strategies for the benefit of our clients.

Emmanuel DETTER
Graduated from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce in Lyon (HESTRAD), with a degree in Sociology and a Preparatory Diploma for Accounting and Financial Expertise (DPECF), Emmanuel joined Action Europe in 2007.
After starting his career as a CIRI correspondent in the central administration, Emmanuel then held responsibilities in national groups and listed SMEs.
For more than 15 years, Emmanuel has been a regular interlocutor of the European Commission. He has a thorough knowledge of its decision-making processes, which allows him to recommend the most relevant strategies to Brussels.
Awarded the National Order of Merit and a diploma from the École Nationale des Ingénieurs des Techniques Agricoles in Dijon, Robert joined Action Europe in 2019.
Director for 6 years of the Etablissement Départemental de l’Élevage de La Réunion, in charge of the development of the animal sector, and then Secretary General of the two livestock interprofessional associations of Reunion Island, Robert brought to the Action Europe team his great financial rigour, as well as his intimate knowledge of the functioning of agricultural cooperatives.

Klaus-Dieter Borchardt
Senior Consultant
At the European Commission, Professor Klaus-Dieter Borchardt was successively member of the Secretariat General, member of the Cabinet, Deputy Director General of DG Energy and Director of DG AGRI.
His in-depth knowledge of the European legislative, regulatory and legal framework for renewable energies, energy efficiency and state aid give him a precise vision of how public action works in Brussels, as well as a solid network of contacts.
During his 33 years at the European Commission, Klaus-Dieter Borchardt played a decisive role in several major developments in EU law and energy policy. He spent 12 years in the Commission’s Legal Service, where he was responsible for state aid, the internal market and agriculture, and 9 years in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy.
Trilingual German-English-French, he teaches in Germany and Denmark. He is also a senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
He joined Action Europe in 2024.
Senior Consultant
Former Member of the French Parliament (2012-2017), Emeric joined Action Europe in 2022. Graduated from Sciences Po Grenoble and doctor in political science (PhD), Emeric started his career very early on as a cabinet assistant at the Ile-de-France Regional Council, then as Chief of Staff for several mayors in the Paris region.
His experience gives him a precise vision of how public action works, as well as a solid network of contacts at all institutional levels.
Emeric is also in charge of the Master’s degree in “Politics” since 2017 at the IEP of Bordeaux, and director of the Observatory of Political Life of the Jean Jaurès Foundation.

Senior Consultant
Chief of Staff of three French ministers of the interior and two ministers of defence, former prefect of the Rhône-Alpes Region, Jacques has managed the institutional relations of two strategic French companies in the nuclear and maritime freight sectors. As a senior civil servant with more than ten years of experience in the corporate world, Jacques joined Action Europe in 2022, bringing to our firm his perfect knowledge of the French administrative system, of which he was a leading practitioner.
Senior Consultant
Graduated from Sciences Po Lille and holder of a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy, politics and economics from the University of Kent (UK), Thomas has held several positions in the administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, in the decentralized services of the State as well as within research structures in international relations in East Africa.
As a fine jurist, perfectly bilingual in French and English, Thomas joined Action Europe in 2012. He has brought to the team a fine technical expertise of agricultural issues, his knowledge of the functioning of decentralized administrations, and the rigor of his legal reasoning, particularly in European law.

Senior Consultant
Gautier holds two masters’ degrees in international business law and European lobbying and joined Action Europe in 2022. For 15 years, Gautier worked with CIS and Southeast Asian countries, firstly for the French administration, then for various European companies for the development of structuring projects and industrial partnerships.
Back in France, Gautier specialized in strategic consulting for the energy transition. He works on the adaptation of infrastructures, market rules and the use of low carbon and renewable hydrogen in the decarbonization of the energy system.
Sonia-Sarah BAKRIM
Senior Consultant
Sonia-Sarah holds a Master’s degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po Lyon. She has been a state-qualified nurse, parliamentary assistant and secretary general of a group of elected representatives at the Lyon Metropolis. Trilingual in English, French and Spanish, she also speaks Japanese.
In charge of the relations with the French Parliament at Action Europe, Sonia-Sarah also teaches political communication at the Catholic University of Lyon. She brings to the firm her perfect knowledge of the French Parliament and its actors, as well as her expertise in the field of health.

Luis Miguel ARRIAGA
Junior Consultant
Born and raised in Madeira, Luís joined Action Europe in 2023 to advocate for the interests of the Outermost Regions of the EU. Luís began his career at the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations, in New York. He then worked for the Regional Government of Madeira, having lobbied for Madeira’s interests as an Outermost Region of the EU.
Since January of 2022, Luís has held various posts in Brussels related to European Affairs. He recently completed his Blue Book traineeship with the European External Action Service (EEAS), having also previously worked as a consultant in Public Affairs. Luís holds a Master of Arts in History and International Relations from the University of Aberdeen. He speaks Portuguese, English, French, and some Spanish.
Junior consultant
Graduating with a DUT in Business and Administration Management, and currently a grande école student at the Rennes School of Business, Mathis joined Action Europe in 2023. He is also studying law at the Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris. His university career has enabled him to consolidate his knowledge of European and national institutions, as well as his rigour and analytical skills.
His experience in both the private and public sectors has given him a solid grounding in public policy, finance and the business world.
Mathis speaks French, English and Spanish and has started learning German.

Manuel Maria BUAL
Junior Consultant
Graduating from the University of Lisbon’s School of Arts and Humanities and having studied studied in the same University’s School of Law, Manuel Maria joined Action Europe in 2023. During his time in Law School, he concluded a series of specialised courses relating to EU Affairs and international energy policy. He speaks perfect Portuguese and English, as well as Spanish, French and German.
His former career as Master of Yachts allowed him to travel all over the World for nearly a decade, bringing to Action Europe a rigorous, focused and problem-solving methodology, particularly in the context of the agricultural issues he is particularly well versed in.
Our locations
ACTION EUROPE coordinates an international network of experts capable of deploying lobbying and legal strategies on behalf of its clients.